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      Pokeris vis labiau populiarėja   08/24/2022

      Turbūt visi esate girdėję apie kortų žaidimą pokerį. Jis darosi vis labiau populiarus visame pasaulyje, o tuo pačiu ir Lietuvoje. Šiame tekste pakalbėsime apie tai, kokios yra šio žaidimo sėkmės priežastys.

      Priimtina įvairioms amžiaus grupėms

      Iš dalies pokeris yra žaidimas, kuris gali suvienyti daugybę skirtingų žmonių, kadangi jis tinka tiek jaunam, tiek senam. Šį žaidimą tikrai galima išmokti būnant bet kokio amžiaus ir daugelis žaisdamas pokerį suranda net ir bičiulių, kurie vėliau tampa gerais draugais ir gyvenime.

      Daug kas pokerio pradmenis išmoksta dar paauglystėje, o vėliau juos sugeba pritaikyti jau ir realiai žaisdami prie pokerio stalo. Be to, pastebima tendencija, jog pokerio, bent jau užsienio šalyse, vis dažniau susirenka ir senjorai ar vienišos mamos, tad šis žaidimas tikrai darosi vis labiau populiarus.

      Populiarina ir internetas

      Dar viena priežastis, kodėl žmonės dažnai žaidžia pokerį – internetas. Su interneto rinkos įsigalėjimu, labai išaugo ir šio žaidimo pasiekiamumas. Juk daug patogiau, kai galima žaisti net neiškėlus kojos iš namų, tiesa? Būtent dėl šios priežasties pokeris šovė į viršų tiek užsienyje, tiek Lietuvoje.

      Išties Lietuvoje ne daug online casino bendrovių turi internetinį pokerį, tačiau juk nebūtina žaisti iš pinigų. Yra ir daug svetainių, kur galite žaisti tiesiog pramogai, o turbūt, taip kai kuriais atvejais yra netgi geriau.

      Daug skirtingų variacijų

      Dar viena priežastis, kodėl žmonės dažnu atveju yra linkę žaisti pokerį, yra tai, jog šis žaidimas turi daugybę skirtingų variacijų, kurios patinka daugeliui. Vieniems patinka Teksaso pokerio versija, kitiems – Čikagos. O tokių pavyzdžių yra daugybė, todėl pasirinkti gali kiekvienas.

      Kai kuriems patinka vieną partiją žaisti valandų valandas, kiti mėgsta greitį, tad reikia pažymėti, jog pokeris yra žaidimas kuris prisitaiko prie vartotojų poreikių, o tai tikrai yra labai svarbus faktorius.

      Pokerio rinkiniai

      Dar viena pokerio populiarėjimo priežastis – specializuoti rinkiniai, kuriuos galima nešiotis su savimi kur tik nori. Tokie rinkiniai paskutiniu metu tapo labai populiaria dovana gimimo dienos proga. Pagalvokite – galbūt tokį norėsite nupirkti savo draugui.


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0 Neutrali

Apie demetri1978

  • Rangas
  1. The updates on 2+2 today have highlighted me going very mad ...BECAUSE he is a thief Even the guy defending him has seen that now ,he 100% stole Me making $15,000 into $30,000 makes no sense Joker is broke ,I won't get $15 extra let alone $15,000 ,so why would i His new case seems to be a said it was to much money and i am mad in chat ...who cares ,is he a thief yes or no ??? http://imgur.com/iesaceY,68qBMLh,LnOtD6B,dkefG8Y,NTnG64r#4 That is all I am MAD ...YES ...he is a thief YES ....will i get $15,000 extra NO ...will i get any money NO
  2. You miss the point ,someone that steals $30,will indeed steal $30,000 to A thief is a thief (just for the record you can all see via chat logs he stole loads more)
  3. $16,000 on PS $8,000 when he stole $6,000 on other sites Why would you care if it is $30 or $30,000??? i have proven he is a thief and a scum bag .Big amount or small amount does not change that ,a thief is a thief no matter what !
  4. Update ... http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showpost.php?p=41254200&postcount=224 I must say your forum and community has been very helpful (lots on Pm) He has gives Countries like yours a bad name ,i am sorry to say.People are fickle,I will carry on backing people on there own merit ,not judging them because of scum bags like Joker Thank you all
  5. http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showpost.php?p=41240719&postcount=144 here he says he won't repay back ,yet we can ALL see he owes lots of make up and is still playing
  6. show the post where he said he will grind it back ? I have asked 10x in the thread for him to do that and he has not replied once and what about the screen shots of him saying he stole from me and would pay me back ??? He is playing right now with my money and keeping it all for himself !!!
  7. http://i.imgur.com/5ORYudp.png Look at the dates of his update ^^^ yet he still plays poker now without me ???
  8. This post shows joker confirming he is in $15,000 make up ,also shows him saying he stole from me .Please read it ALL!!! http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showpost.php?p=41239182&postcount=87 So why is he at the tables NOW playing poker for himself when HE admits to being in $15,000 make up and stealing !!!??? WHY ??? http://imgur.com/2fvB5ha
  9. Playing right now with my money ... http://i.imgur.com/qrCmX7E.png Unreal,he loses i lose ...he makes ,he steals more
  10. Just to confirm there is money being sent else where (from me and horses) Some FTP transfers... http://imgur.com/ScbUcNl,b43fbbk There is 2 pictures above ,can send more if need be
  11. This has to be the highlight ... http://i.imgur.com/dkefG8Y.png Forget what i am saying and what he is saying ,just read that (he says it is a mistake he cashed out $1,000s and will fix it but has no money) LOL,what more can i say or do
  12. LOL,he has done the audit up until the 25th Nov ,that was when i lost contact After that he stole money (AGAIN)
  13. Please lets do a full audit ,you will see lots of transactions where he cashed out and i did not allow it Even last week you will see he has done this ,this is stealing and makes him a thief And why does he think it is ok now to play on his own when in so much make up?you have all seen the contract he signed ,it states you can not leave the stake in make up ,yet he has done so and is playing on his own right now So admits to stealing and then drops the stake in make up ...i have now proved this ,what else is there to say ?
  14. Unreal the nerve of this guy ,safe to say everyone now knows I back him You can all see the chat where he admits to stealing You can all see where he posted how much make up he is in Yet he ignores all of this ,sends no audits and goes back to the tables now to play ,wow http://imgur.com/yOrAm5V Just now ^^^
  15. Also he is back at the tables now playing on his JOKuERis account with my money ,which i am getting none of !!!???