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      Pokeris vis labiau populiarėja   08/24/2022

      Turbūt visi esate girdėję apie kortų žaidimą pokerį. Jis darosi vis labiau populiarus visame pasaulyje, o tuo pačiu ir Lietuvoje. Šiame tekste pakalbėsime apie tai, kokios yra šio žaidimo sėkmės priežastys.

      Priimtina įvairioms amžiaus grupėms

      Iš dalies pokeris yra žaidimas, kuris gali suvienyti daugybę skirtingų žmonių, kadangi jis tinka tiek jaunam, tiek senam. Šį žaidimą tikrai galima išmokti būnant bet kokio amžiaus ir daugelis žaisdamas pokerį suranda net ir bičiulių, kurie vėliau tampa gerais draugais ir gyvenime.

      Daug kas pokerio pradmenis išmoksta dar paauglystėje, o vėliau juos sugeba pritaikyti jau ir realiai žaisdami prie pokerio stalo. Be to, pastebima tendencija, jog pokerio, bent jau užsienio šalyse, vis dažniau susirenka ir senjorai ar vienišos mamos, tad šis žaidimas tikrai darosi vis labiau populiarus.

      Populiarina ir internetas

      Dar viena priežastis, kodėl žmonės dažnai žaidžia pokerį – internetas. Su interneto rinkos įsigalėjimu, labai išaugo ir šio žaidimo pasiekiamumas. Juk daug patogiau, kai galima žaisti net neiškėlus kojos iš namų, tiesa? Būtent dėl šios priežasties pokeris šovė į viršų tiek užsienyje, tiek Lietuvoje.

      Išties Lietuvoje ne daug online casino bendrovių turi internetinį pokerį, tačiau juk nebūtina žaisti iš pinigų. Yra ir daug svetainių, kur galite žaisti tiesiog pramogai, o turbūt, taip kai kuriais atvejais yra netgi geriau.

      Daug skirtingų variacijų

      Dar viena priežastis, kodėl žmonės dažnu atveju yra linkę žaisti pokerį, yra tai, jog šis žaidimas turi daugybę skirtingų variacijų, kurios patinka daugeliui. Vieniems patinka Teksaso pokerio versija, kitiems – Čikagos. O tokių pavyzdžių yra daugybė, todėl pasirinkti gali kiekvienas.

      Kai kuriems patinka vieną partiją žaisti valandų valandas, kiti mėgsta greitį, tad reikia pažymėti, jog pokeris yra žaidimas kuris prisitaiko prie vartotojų poreikių, o tai tikrai yra labai svarbus faktorius.

      Pokerio rinkiniai

      Dar viena pokerio populiarėjimo priežastis – specializuoti rinkiniai, kuriuos galima nešiotis su savimi kur tik nori. Tokie rinkiniai paskutiniu metu tapo labai populiaria dovana gimimo dienos proga. Pagalvokite – galbūt tokį norėsite nupirkti savo draugui.


30 pran. šioje temoje

šiandien kilo mintis, paklaust jūsų kaip darotės notes. Kokia forma, seka? Kiek spalvų ir kokių naudojat, ar naudojat? Ir jei nesunku pavyzdžių prašyčiau. Bent aš pasirašau įpirką, handą, pf žaidėjo veiksmus ar savo ir žaidejo. Toliau esmę, kuo jis man užkliuvo.


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą

nu aš nuo kažko nusižiūrėjęs dar datą pasirašau, pvz.:

2011-01 HU SnG $33 - fishy/weak lag/weak lap/...

Cashe (fullring) rašau šiek tiek tikslesnius note'us. Pagal datą ir limitus šiek tiek galima nuspręst kaip žaidėjas kilo/leidos limitais, gal jis ant tilto ir pan. Ant visų fishų dedu žalią spalvą, kad matyčiau iš toli ir iškart sėsčiau prie stalo.

Regus žymiu mėlyna arba geltona spalva, note'us dažniausiai dedu apie jų 3bet ir kitokias steal ypatybes.


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą

Aš paprastai visiškus fishus žymiu žaliai, bad-passive geltonai, bad-aggresive orandžine, ir gerus regus raudonai.

O note'us, tai rašau dažniausiai apie jų žaidimo tam tikras ypatybes, o ne hand'u istorijas. Pvz.: Bluffed river 2/3 pot with busted draws. Ar not cbet Kxx dry flop IP ir t.t.


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą


VIP klientai - raudonai.

Geresni/suprantantys ka daro reguliarai - zydrai + HEM'e bezdziones zenkliukas.

Prasti reguliarai - zaliai.


Note'us dedu ivairius, priklauso nuo zaidejo ypatybiu ir kas galetu padet pries ji zaidziant ateiti: Overplay AAxx / Fullpot river with busted draw / OOP leadina i tris opus su draw / OOP 4bet with... / ir t.t

Redagavo: , narys: liuq

Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą


Na zaidziu Donus, todel man svarbiausia su kuo pushia shortas ir su kuo atcallina ir is kokios pozicijos su kiek BB.

Programkes rodo ar pliusojantis/minusojantis zaidejas + tight/lose ir kaip daznai stealina, bet notsai vistiek labia svarbus. Pvz lose reguliaro notsas: e(94)-d s.s. CO 75/150 => reiskia su levom kortom , siuo atveju 94 brangiai ( tai 9-11 big blindu ) pushina is cutoff kai bindai 75/150 arba e(A7)-d s.s. UTG 100/200 ; butinai uzrasau jai daro limp arba minibet su AA-QQ, tia labia svarbu, taip pasizymiu jai labai daznai 2-2,5 betina ir foldina po reraizo ( daznaiusiai tokie zaidejai bando pavogti su 33-77 arba KQ-KJ arba A5-A9 ir visada foldina po reraize ), jai atcallina su visokiais A5-A9, 33-77 short vs short kai dar galima gyventi, matosi kad gambleris, jai tight reguliaras, tiesiog rasau: kad tight, sedi iki 2-5 BB ir vel pvz su kuo piushina ir callina. Splavos irgi labia padeda, kai daug stalu iskart matai kas pries tave, kartais net nereikai i notsus ziureti. Tournament shark + HM + nots + spalvos = tikrai padeda :)

Redagavo: , narys: Bl4sT

Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą

Ka tu is HM pesi donuose?


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą

ant kiek tight/lose ir kaip danzai vagia ir kiek handu jau suzaide, daugiua nieko ir nereikia donose manau.


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą

Kokiam limite losi? Siaip nelabai isivaizduoju vis tiek, kokia nauda is to HM. Pvz., turesi rego koki 1000 handu ir dalis ju is early, o dalis is late stadiju ir nesamones matysi. Naudos yra nebent ant nauju zaideju, bet jei naujas ir taip aisku, kad fishas.


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą


Na kai daug stalu zaidziu, tieisog greit aki uzmetu, jai matau kazkoks tipo 7/5 VPIP ir 35-45 steal ir 1K + hands, beveik visada bus labia tight iki 50/100, po to labia lose pushina ( su kuo pushina jau matau is notes ) o jai 5/5 VPIP ir 10-20 steal + notsia rodo kad su beleko ne stealina ir ne pushina shortas, su tokias labia atsargiai callinu ir daugiau vagiu is tokiu. Siaip labia daug kitaicu/vietnameciu + rusu visokiu, sunku zaisti.

Redagavo: , narys: Bl4sT

Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą

Negaliu nepasigirti savo notų sistema, kažkada nukopijuota nuo berods DOGISHEAD (CR ar kažkuriam training saite video kurdamo) ir dar pačio gerokai patobulinta.

Kadangi diena iš dienos su tais pačiais regais tenka lošti, tai papostinu pora detalesnių notų:



COB cold 4b bluff / 4b bluff

Squeeze w/ KQo vs mano MP+regBTN ir call 4b op || SQ kai fish vidury AAB

min 5b w/ AK

Opening UTG/MP range - best FC, visi PP, siek tiek Axs. Nera SC.

3b range - Pagrinde FC, Axs ir Axo, ir keletas SC ir gappers

Mesgta 3b bluff IP AAB

C 4b w/ AJo op SBvsBTN


C cbet at 932ss BTNvsMP, R Ads AAB

Donk Q85sss w/ Ao9s BBvsBTN

Check back K76ss w/ JJ, UTGvsBB

#Triple barrel light for value

-Cbet K75sss w/ AsTo, bet Ao, b/c 7o COvsBTN

#As PFR c/c'lina su TP ir middle pair

-c/c AK4ss w/ A9 as PFR, UTGvsBTN

-c/c KJ9rb w/ AK as PFR, UTGvsMP

-c/c Q85rb w/ TT as PFR COvsMP

#Raise NDB AAB ir DB

-R cbet at 854rb BTNvsMP, b/f Js AAB

-R cbet w/ 955rb BBvsSB w/ QTo AAB

-R cbet AAB at 863ss MPvsUTG

-R Cbet at K74rb IP AAB 3way

-R cbet/ bet / give up Q42ss, 8o, 3o BBvsSB


3b w/ AJo COvsMP. Check back AQQss, C 2s ir Ko

3b w/ AQo BBvsBTN. Cbet/check/bet QJ6rb 8s 2o op

R cbet w/ A3s at 554ss 44>94 ir get in BTNvsBB

c*c op JT5ss, donk pot 2s w/ 9s9


C cbet w/ draw IP, bet turn 94>134 pagaves ir checked to

b/f 72>82 at 864ss 3b pote checked to IP, 200bb

C pre op, c*c flop, donk 24>26 turn, Overbet river w/ TPTK

C SQ IP w/ JT. mR cbet at J87rb ir get in


Very tight UTG ir MP, bet juose nera SC mezesniu uz JTs

Callina alot BBvsSB

Callina mano squeezes too light ?




Squeezina alot

Squeeze w/ K8s nuo BB vs mano BTN + fish SB

COB cold 4b bluff

4b 99 60>130 BTNvsSB ir get in

3b KTo BTNvsMP, 200bb

3b w/ ATo BBvsBTN ir get in || 3b AQs COvsUTG ir get in

min 5b w/ AKo 150bb || min 5b w/ AQs ir call shove


Cbet A95ss w/ 75, bet 4o. COvsBTN, op

#Plays nuts fast at NDB:

-R bet and call at K87rb IP w/ 77

#Playst TPGK hands fast:

-c/r K82ss w/ KQ, bet 3o, shove 5s

c/c all streets KQ4ss, 2ds, 6s w/ 33 as PFR

Donk 854rb w/ 77 BBvsMP

Cbet A62ss w/ Q6o IP, HU


C 3b w/ QJ SBvsBB, c/c KJ5rb, c*c 2o, c/shove 5o, turnindamas Jx into a bluff

C 4b over his 4way squeeze w/ AA, small donk 732rb

3b w/ AT SBvsBTN. Cbet T84rb 38>72, 2o turn 78>148


Spewy pre

Merged cbeting ?

Nefoldina SB

Weak calling range postflop, nes nuts ir good hands fastplayina ?


Visa sistemos esmė - grupavimas, pagal streetus ir kitus požymius. Kai reikai greit priimti sprendimą, lengviau surasti informacija nei a4dydžio lape be jokios tvarkos.


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą

uždariau nerezultatyvią seną temą tuo pačiu pavadinimu (autoriui reiktų "search" langelį naudot kitąsyk) pavadinimu ir perkeliu rodos (pats nesigilinau, nors gal vertėtų) reikšmingą postą iš ten čionai:

How to record the information

Now you will learn how to record your observations. First of all, you will be introduced to a technique with which you can note down individual played hands.

In doing so, it is important that you always write down your notes in the same pattern. Only by doing so will be able to automate this process: the more often you make a note, the sooner you'll get used to it and before you know it, it won't be difficult at all to write down or evaluate many notes within a short period of time.

From observation to note

Your note should always include all the important information. However, this does not necessarily mean the whole course of the hand. It might well be that only the moves on individual streets are of importance.

Composition of the whole note

Stack, hand, position, pre-flop move, board, flop-move, turn-move, river move.

For instance, this is how to group the whole course of a hand. Depending on which move in the hand was decisive, only individual pieces of information need be written down.


In order to not always have to write down the $ amount of the opponent's stack, common abbreviations are being used:

Short Stack(SS)


Full Stack(FS)

Deep Stack (DS)

Ideally, you should know at what point an opponent can be classified into the different categories of SS, MS, FS or DS respectively. For the category Deep Stack, it is advisable to add a further, finer distinction, as it does make a considerable difference if a player is 1.5 stacks or 3 stacks deep - here it helps to add a number behind the abbreviation. DS would then describe a player with 1.5 stacks. DS2 a player who is 2 stacks deep. However, you should also always pay attention that you include the effective stack sizes, because if a player with 3 stacks is all-in on the flop with a draw against a player with only 50 BB, then you can't deduce his style against another deep stack from this situation, as the effective stack size only amounts to 50 BB.


The hand, as well as the position of the players, is to be noted after the stack sizes. Here, AT always designates off-suited hands, while the "s" after the hand always designates suited hands (e.g. ATs, 98s etc.).

On a short-handed table, UTG, MP, CO, BU, SB, BB designate the six different positions. In addition to this, you can also write down if the player played the hand IP (in position) or OOP (out of position).


As you've already noted every important parameter, you can now take care of the pre-flop game of your opponent. To cover the individual possibilities a player has at his disposal, a few abbreviations are necessary: this helps with clarity and consistency and you end up with a short, compact note. However, it doesn't make sense to learn many new terms and abbreviations, so you should fall back on known terms and abbreviations. We suggest that you use the terms which are used in the forum.

For example, you might use the following abbreviations:

L = Limp

c = call

f = fold

R = Raise

isoR = isolation-Raise

o = over/open

3b = 3-bet

4b = 4-bet

p = push

AI = All-In

Sqz = Squeeze

With these abbreviations, every possible hand can be described by combining the individual abbreviations in the proper way:

FS, JJ BU oR/c3bet SB

Full stack, JJ on BU, open-raises, calls 3-bet from the SB

FS, 44 BU CC oR MP

Full stack, 44 on BU, cold calls open-raise from MP

MS, 94s UTG L/r BU

Mid-stack, 94s in UTG, limp/raises against a BU raise

FS, AKs BU oR/4bet SB

Full stack, AKs on BU, open-raises and 4-bets after a 3-bet of the SB

FS, AJ SB 3b/p oR CO

Full stack, AJo in the SB, 3-bets CO open-raise and pushes after a CO 4-bet

You've now seen a possible system but the system isn't necessarily the best one for you. If nothing else, we hope that it motivates you to create your own system so you can either use our system, change it, or create a new one using ours as model.


As there are many different board textures, you need a system which covers every possible board and the main problem here is the different suits of the community cards. Now you will learn about a possible solution to this problem.

The different cards will be abbreviated with A, K, Q, T, 9… as usual. For the suits, the following system can be used:

rainbow flop: K74r

2-suited flop: K74s

3-suited flop: K74ss

If a flush now hits on the turn or river, it can be displayed like this:

2-suited flop with 3s river: K74sT2s

2-suited flop with 3s turn: K74sTs2

2-suited flop with 3s turn and 4s river: K74sTs2s

These boards now differ in an important detail: while on the 1st board the third card of a suit only appears on the river, it already appeared on the turn on the 2nd board. The 3rd board is also already 3-suited on the turn, and actually becomes 4-suited on the river.

However, this alone won't suffice, because so far, we aren't able to display possible BackDoor Flush draws (BDF).

rainbow flop with BDF on the turn: QT4r2sT

rainbow flop with BDF on the turn and 3s river: QT4r2sTs

2-suited flop with BDF on the turn and 3s River: QT4s2ssTs

2-suited flop with BDF on the turn and 3s BDF on the river: QT4s2ssTss

These boards also strongly differ from each other:

On the 1st board, we have a rainbow flop, on which a BDF draw becomes possible on the turn. However, the river does not bring the third card of this suit.

The 2nd board is also a rainbow flop with a possible BDF draw on the turn, which does hit on the river this time.

The 3rd board represents a 2-suited flop. On the turn, a BDF draw becomes possible. However, the river completes the initial flush draw on the flop.

The 4th board is similar to the 3rd one with the difference that the BDF hit on the river.

Now, only the 3-suited flop is still missing.

3-suited flop, blank turn & river: J72ss49

3-suited flop, blank turn 4-suited river: J72ss49s

3-suited flop, 4s turn and 5s river: J72ss4s9s

Furthermore, it is valuable to note if the pot was heads-up or multi-way - we'll assume that no comment indicates a heads-up pot, so the multi-way pots can simply be abbreviated by mwp (multi-way pot).

As you can see, each imaginable board texture can be quickly and clearly noted with this simple method and with a bit of practice you'll find that you now have the possibility of recording a large amount of information within seconds:

How big was his stack?

What hand did he have?

From which position did he play?

How did the board look?

How strong was his hand in combination with the board?

Now, you have a majority of the information in a short and compact form. The only things still missing are the post-flop moves.


After the parameters of the hand have been noted in full details, the only things missing are the moves on the different streets.

To make it clearer, the post-flop moves should mirror the pre-flop moves. The individual streets can also be abbreviated:

F = Flop

T = Turn

R = River

The post-flop moves should correspond with the pre-flop moves and have a similar structure. For instance, these are some possible terms:

c = call

ch = check

b = bet

D = Donk

f = fold

r = raise

cbet = contibet

m = min

3b = 3-bet

p = push

AI = All-In

cb = checkbehind

chD = checkDown

CD = CallDown

o = over

PS = PotSize

With the help of these abbreviations, you should be able to describe the course of a hand via the combination of the individual abbreviations.

These techniques are only supposed to be examples, and are not be considered perfect - they are simply there to show that you can note down a whole hand in an easy method. This technique offers you a solid foundation on which you can build your own system.

As you have certainly noticed, these are not new and unknown terms and the abbreviations should also be familiar from the forum as well. These terms and abbreviations are also being used currently in most hand evaluations, so now you simply have to centralize how to write down your notes quickly and precisely.


FS, AKs BU oR/c3bet SB, KT8r9ss2 F c cbet T cb R pAI

Full stack, AKs on BU, open-raises and calls a 3-bet of the SB

Board: KT8 rainbow, BDF on the turn 9, river blank. Hero has TPTK

Flop: calls the cont-ibet, turn: checks behind, river: pushes all-in

FS, 33 CO, CC oR UTG, 785s6Q F r cbet T 2/3PSB R cb

Full stack, 33 on CO, cold calls an open-raise from UTG

Board: 785 2-suited on the turn 6, river brings a Q

Flop: Player raises the conti-bet, turn: bets 2/3rd of the pot size, river: checks behind

MS, T9s BB, CC oR BU, A87s4J F Db T ch R b/c

Mid-stack, T9s in the BB, cold calls open-raise from BU

Board: A87 2-suited, turn blank 4, river J brings the straight

Flop: donk-bet, turn check, river: bet/call

MS, Q3s UTG, l/c isoR MP, AQTrA3 F ch/c T ch/c R ch/cAI

Mid-stack, Q3s in UTG, limp/calls an isolation-raise from MP

Board: AQT rainbow, turn A and river 3

Flop/Turn/River: Player check/calls all 3 streets and is all-in on the river


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą

nuo nuotaikos priklauso tu note rasymas.

Kartais sesijos metu tenka perzvelgti turimus nautsus ir graudoka, jog po 2000 sulostu ranku, viskas ka zinau apie oponenta tik tiek kad jis yra netradicines orientacijos ir greiciausiai turintis kokia tai protine negalia.


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
nuo nuotaikos priklauso tu note rasymas.

Kartais sesijos metu tenka perzvelgti turimus nautsus ir graudoka, jog po 2000 sulostu ranku, viskas ka zinau apie oponenta tik tiek kad jis yra netradicines orientacijos ir greiciausiai turintis kokia tai protine negalia.

:DDD nice one. Pas mane kartais irgi pasitaiko panasiu, paziuriu kad pazymetas melynai (taip zymiu fishus), paspaudziu paziuret kodel butent jis toks ir pamatai ten koki "pedikas" ar panasiai :D dabar tiesa stengiuosi vengt tokiu note, bet karts nuo karto pasitaiko is anksciau uzsilikusiu


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą

paaiskinkit man nieko nevelkanciam,su kuo tuos notes darot,su HEM ar rasot ranka, ar dar kokia programa yra?nieko nesuprantu:)


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą


paaiskinkit man nieko nevelkanciam,su kuo tuos notes darot,su HEM ar rasot ranka, ar dar kokia programa yra?nieko nesuprantu:)

Taigi ant prie stalo sedincio zaidejo paspaudi desini mygtuka, pasirenki "notes" ir rasai.

Redagavo: , narys: tom

Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą

Susikurkite vartotoją arba prisijunkite

Turite būti narys jog galėtumėte kurti temas bei komentuoti.


Užsiregistruokite benduomenėje



Turite vartotoją? Prisijunkite

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