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      Pokeris vis labiau populiarėja   08/24/2022

      Turbūt visi esate girdėję apie kortų žaidimą pokerį. Jis darosi vis labiau populiarus visame pasaulyje, o tuo pačiu ir Lietuvoje. Šiame tekste pakalbėsime apie tai, kokios yra šio žaidimo sėkmės priežastys.

      Priimtina įvairioms amžiaus grupėms

      Iš dalies pokeris yra žaidimas, kuris gali suvienyti daugybę skirtingų žmonių, kadangi jis tinka tiek jaunam, tiek senam. Šį žaidimą tikrai galima išmokti būnant bet kokio amžiaus ir daugelis žaisdamas pokerį suranda net ir bičiulių, kurie vėliau tampa gerais draugais ir gyvenime.

      Daug kas pokerio pradmenis išmoksta dar paauglystėje, o vėliau juos sugeba pritaikyti jau ir realiai žaisdami prie pokerio stalo. Be to, pastebima tendencija, jog pokerio, bent jau užsienio šalyse, vis dažniau susirenka ir senjorai ar vienišos mamos, tad šis žaidimas tikrai darosi vis labiau populiarus.

      Populiarina ir internetas

      Dar viena priežastis, kodėl žmonės dažnai žaidžia pokerį – internetas. Su interneto rinkos įsigalėjimu, labai išaugo ir šio žaidimo pasiekiamumas. Juk daug patogiau, kai galima žaisti net neiškėlus kojos iš namų, tiesa? Būtent dėl šios priežasties pokeris šovė į viršų tiek užsienyje, tiek Lietuvoje.

      Išties Lietuvoje ne daug online casino bendrovių turi internetinį pokerį, tačiau juk nebūtina žaisti iš pinigų. Yra ir daug svetainių, kur galite žaisti tiesiog pramogai, o turbūt, taip kai kuriais atvejais yra netgi geriau.

      Daug skirtingų variacijų

      Dar viena priežastis, kodėl žmonės dažnu atveju yra linkę žaisti pokerį, yra tai, jog šis žaidimas turi daugybę skirtingų variacijų, kurios patinka daugeliui. Vieniems patinka Teksaso pokerio versija, kitiems – Čikagos. O tokių pavyzdžių yra daugybė, todėl pasirinkti gali kiekvienas.

      Kai kuriems patinka vieną partiją žaisti valandų valandas, kiti mėgsta greitį, tad reikia pažymėti, jog pokeris yra žaidimas kuris prisitaiko prie vartotojų poreikių, o tai tikrai yra labai svarbus faktorius.

      Pokerio rinkiniai

      Dar viena pokerio populiarėjimo priežastis – specializuoti rinkiniai, kuriuos galima nešiotis su savimi kur tik nori. Tokie rinkiniai paskutiniu metu tapo labai populiaria dovana gimimo dienos proga. Pagalvokite – galbūt tokį norėsite nupirkti savo draugui.

PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planet

52 pran. šioje temoje


Zinau tikrai nemazai recreational playeriu. Ir ju visu +- mastymas toks pats. Pries pora metu budavo taip: deposit 100$ savaitei porai mtt sekmadieni. Ir taip pastoviai. Bet neduok dieve pabinkina ka nors. 2k ar 5k. Iskart cashout. Pasileika koki 1k ir prasideda show. Labai greitai viska sudepositina atgal ir dar belekiek savo sukisha (nedepositinsi gi 100$ kai katik sunday 215 ar 530 zaidei). O dabar jau dauguma net nelosia tuose PS nes "niekas ten negamblina kaip anksciau, net iki pinigu nedaeinu niekada, jau geriau kazino rulete pasukt, bent kartais laimesi"

Nu apie ruletes geriau nekalbek,bet kad su Starsais kazkas negerai tai faktas.Ypac viskas prasideda artejant pries pinigus belekokie autai pradeda kristi,o kai kazikas atsidarys tai bus dar blogiau,bus viskas orentuota kad is turnyro krites eitum zaisti y kazika nuleisti krauja.Zodziu Starsai praranda savo gero saito varda,visai neorentoujas y zaidejus,kelia mokecius kad tik dar daugiau isplesti pinigo,kuo greiciau atmusti litus uz starsu pirkini.

Redagavo: , narys: As esu pokeris

Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Vip sistemos kaip tik manau skatina fishus daugiau zaist. Argi fisham ne cool gaut daiktus su PS logotipu? Arba zvaigzdutes prie vardo?

Tai jeigu daug zaidzia ir gauna daug zvaigzduciu tai jau regas :)

Na teoriskai taip - reguliariai zaidziantis zaidejas yra regas. Bet praktikoj tai regus vadinam reguliariai laimincius zaidejus' date=' o tokius "regus" http://scr.hu/1tm/vx48i vadinam fishais :)

O kas del ps store, tai tarkim fishas bustina ka depositino ir turi tarkim 3k FPP, bet pamato shope koki dekliuka su PS zenklu uz 4k, kurio labai nori, tai padepositins dar ir zais kol surinks.[/quote']

Kažkaip čia labai jau manau sureikšmini ir hiperbolizuoji. Jei žmogus nemoka lošti pokerio, tai jis jau visiškas inbecilas ir būtinai darys nelogiškus sprendimus ir ne pokerio metu? Galbūt tendenciją ir galima būtų atrasti, bet taip kategoriškai aš neteigčiau.


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą


Pokerio ateitis nekokia.. Vos ne kiekviena salis bando uzdrausti online pokeri, kambariai rake didina... Dar valstybei reikia moket nemazai.

Redagavo: , narys: ALGIRDO

Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą


Atsimenu, pries laimedamas big one for one drop, daniel colman sake kad pokeris jo manymu yra tik gold mine, kuri ilgai nesites ir nori cash in kol tik imanoma. jisai butent HU specialistas (rodos 1mln$ profit pernai padare HU).

Ar cia yra pabaiga HU hyperiams, ar is vis HU? ar apsimokes regam kurie 2-3% ROI turi zaist toliau?

Redagavo: , narys: K.J.

Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą

Kazino irgi jau ne uz kalnu. Laiskas is ps:

We recently announced plans about the launch of casino games and sports betting on PokerStars and later this month we will begin rolling out blackjack and roulette to customers in select countries. Based on your current country of registration, you will be eligible to play.

As one of our most valued VIPs I want to make sure that you are amongst the first to hear the news.

First I want to share with you some of the thinking behind offering these new games.

The decision to add casino games to the PokerStars client was not taken lightly and is the result of an evaluation process that began in 2013. We thoroughly researched our customers’ reactions to this possibility, analysing the reaction of players who were given the opportunity to play casino games on our sister site Full Tilt and more recently on our Spanish site PokerStars.ES. We found that players generally fall into one of three categories: Supportive, Indifferent or Concerned.

Supportive: Many of our customers already play casino games online and are excited about the possibility of playing on PokerStars. These players like our software and service, trust us to keep their money safe, and like the idea of a single balance for poker and casino play. These customers form a significant segment of our player base and we expect this news to make them happy.

Indifferent: Some players are not interested in playing casino games, but do not mind that we offer them. These customers may be accustomed to the association between poker and casino games from in-person visits to facilities that offer both. These customers will not have much reaction to this news.

Concerned: Some players are concerned. They do not want to play casino or casino games. They may be worried that there will be fewer poker opponents to play if some move to casino. They also may have had bad experiences with other providers frequently delivering unwanted messages and incentives trying to get them to play casino games rather than poker.

We have designed our casino game implementation with each of these groups in mind, but with special sensitivity to the third group of customers. For example, at launch there will be a simple setting in our client that will allow you to remove all casino games if you so desire. In early December, before we begin casino promotion activities, you will also be able to opt out of all casino related communications and promotions.

We launched casino games on PokerStars.es earlier this year giving us some valuable insights into the playing habits of poker players and casino games. We expect that the introduction of casino games for a portion of our pokerstars.eu and shared liquidity customers will not result in a significant negative impact on the overall poker economy.

In case you are amongst those interested in trying out our new casino games, look for a special offer around the time of launch that is specially designed to deliver enhanced promotional value for our top VIPs without any hidden or excessively complicated terms. Many PokerStars.es customers have reacted positively to the multi-player approach we have taken with our games. We hope that you do too.

If you do not want to receive the special VIP promotional offer, email me at [email protected] to let me know.

I hope you now consider yourself sufficiently informed about this development and in a timely manner. As one of our top VIPs, you deserve to hear the news early and with a little extra detail.

Thank you for your continued play at PokerStars

Gareth Davies

VIP Program Services Manager



Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą

PokerStarsai persigalvojo:

All rake increases announced in October, except for Spin & Go changes, are cancelled effective immediately.

VPP multipliers will be reduced within the next few months for players in several additional countries where VAT and/or Gaming Duty are payable. These players will be informed directly in the coming days.

At some point in the future, we may deploy rake surcharges for countries that charge gaming duty or VAT. We will not do so before July 2015 at the earliest, and we will maintain our policy of passing on no more than half the tax to players and absorbing the rest ourselves.

Other than this, we will not implement rake increases in 2015.

The above apply to PokerStars.com and shared liquidity, not for our segregated sites in Italy, Spain, or France



Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
PokerStarsai persigalvojo:

All rake increases announced in October, except for Spin & Go changes, are cancelled effective immediately.

VPP multipliers will be reduced within the next few months for players in several additional countries where VAT and/or Gaming Duty are payable. These players will be informed directly in the coming days.

At some point in the future, we may deploy rake surcharges for countries that charge gaming duty or VAT. We will not do so before July 2015 at the earliest, and we will maintain our policy of passing on no more than half the tax to players and absorbing the rest ourselves.

Other than this, we will not implement rake increases in 2015.

The above apply to PokerStars.com and shared liquidity, not for our segregated sites in Italy, Spain, or France


Jo, geros naujienos :)


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą

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