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      Pokeris vis labiau populiarėja   08/24/2022

      Turbūt visi esate girdėję apie kortų žaidimą pokerį. Jis darosi vis labiau populiarus visame pasaulyje, o tuo pačiu ir Lietuvoje. Šiame tekste pakalbėsime apie tai, kokios yra šio žaidimo sėkmės priežastys.

      Priimtina įvairioms amžiaus grupėms

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      Populiarina ir internetas

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      Daug skirtingų variacijų

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      Pokerio rinkiniai

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SCAM ALERT! Jokueris stole 30k from me.

191 pran. šioje temoje


Kalti abu siaip is esmes. Jokueris pats sake, kad nera sventas, bet taip ir nepasake del ko. Siaip negrazu taip ignoruoti investuotoja, bet pilnai suprantu ir ji. uzsenietis totalus grybas yra, jei jis turi per 50 horsu ir nesugeba normalios duombazes vesti, kiek yra pasiusta $, kiek gauta atgal, jei jis apdairei ziurejo i si reikala , tai gavosi taip kaip ir turejo. Delioja dabar kazkokias iskarpas kad 7k yra pasiuntes is kazkur is konteksto istraukta , wtf ? Manau bet kuriam is musu irgi kantrybe galetu trukt jei atejes ciuvaciokas is oro 30k priskaiciaves butu. Jokueri parasyk visa situacija psui, paprasyk is visu saitu kur jis teigia jog tave stakino auditu, pilno, tiek is kitu horsu gautu tiek pasiusta, visus cashoutus, idek i 2+2 ir cia, svarbiausia pries save saziningas tada liksi. Sekmes.

This post shows joker confirming he is in $15,000 make up ,also shows him saying he stole from me .Please read it ALL!!!


So why is he at the tables NOW playing poker for himself when HE admits to being in $15,000 make up and stealing !!!???

WHY ???


Redagavo: , narys: demetri1978

Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą

Main thing i saw was Jokueris comfirmed he took money and promised to grind it back, but you didnt even want to hear about that: http://imgur.com/iesaceY,68qBMLh,LnOtD6B,dkefG8Y,NTnG64r#4 .

Yes, he broke your contract, but i dont him saying he is out of your stake. And how you think grinders make money(i ask this because of your last post about him playing now)? They go to job? If he had money he wouldnt go on stake or loan from you. This is such a huge misscommunication.


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Main thing i saw was Jokueris comfirmed he took money and promised to grind it back, but you didnt even want to hear about that: http://imgur.com/iesaceY,68qBMLh,LnOtD6B,dkefG8Y,NTnG64r#4 .

Yes, he broke your contract, but i dont him saying he is out of your stake. And how you think grinders make money(i ask this because of your last post about him playing now)? They go to job? If he had money he wouldnt go on stake or loan from you. This is such a huge misscommunication.

show the post where he said he will grind it back ?

I have asked 10x in the thread for him to do that and he has not replied once

and what about the screen shots of him saying he stole from me and would pay me back ???

He is playing right now with my money and keeping it all for himself !!!


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą

Well, in that skype chat i reposted it says he offered to grind missing money as sng in the middle and end of fifth image. I havent seen any post of him saying that he is out of your stake(sorry if i missed that).


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Well, in that skype chat i reposted it says he offered to grind missing money as sng in the middle and end of fifth image. I havent seen any post of him saying that he is out of your stake(sorry if i missed that).


here he says he won't repay back ,yet we can ALL see he owes lots of make up and is still playing


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą


demetri, you are professional backer, and i believe you should have policy how to deal with these guys. Bringing it public is good enough - community has to know who is who within it. However, you arguing so much on nothing. I dont believe this would lead you to resolution. What I would suggest you the following:

1. Bring the matter to Pokerstars (or whatever soft is in question). It is of their interest as well. They are very serious about the integrity of the game. The least you will get are frozen acc (of Jokueris) and disabled cashout. They will cooperate you in resolution.

2. I am not sure how it would be dealt in legal environment, but it would not harm you if you contact competent lawyer on cyber fraud and contract law. You will at least get directions where to go and what to do next.

3. Putting personal information publicly without the consent is an offense under the EU laws. I would advise to be careful with all those exposing websites.

I wish you all the best in dealing with the matter. Just be smart.

Redagavo: , narys: vndLaZz

Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą

Keista istorija labai, Audrius gan patikimas žmogus atrodė. Dar prieš kelias dienas pasakojo kiek minusuoja, rodė grafikus ir atrodo nė neįtarsi kokias dilemas gali iškelti. Nesinorėtų įsitikint, jog tai žmogus kuris visada buvo su kauke.. Labai gaila ir apmaudu, bet viską perskaičius neįmanoma palaikyt lietuvio pusės, nes jis kad ir pievas šneka, bet bent š nemala.


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą

Manau, kad nera cia ka net diskutuoti, viskas ir taip aisku... Na bet LIETUVOS vardas dar karta nuskambejo pasaulyje, kaip visada blogaja prasme..


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą

this is really disturbing matter for our community

however I cant see your proof that he owes you 30k

for example:

http://i.imgur.com/dkefG8Y.png - this shows him admitting he owes you 7.9k or 5.9k, if i would add make up he also admitted in skype(15k and if it counts as admitting), its still far from 30k.

so if you want 100% support you should systematically show how exactly he owes you. And that includes exactly how much and on what day you or your horses sent to him, and how much he owes you from profits or/and make up(with commentaries). Throwing more sentences with shout and question marks really doesn't help.

Same thing applies to Jokueris, if he wants to come out clear.

Hope this gets resolved peacefully.


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą

I am assuming what demetri is trying to say is that Jokueris still has his money in the account and refuses to send it back and continues on playing


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą

I still can't find how you came up with the number $30,000. Can you just give us simple math here?


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
I still can't find how you came up with the number $30,000. Can you just give us simple math here?

$16,000 on PS

$8,000 when he stole

$6,000 on other sites

Why would you care if it is $30 or $30,000??? i have proven he is a thief and a scum bag .Big amount or small amount does not change that ,a thief is a thief no matter what !


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Why would you care if it is $30 or $30,000???

Probably because there is $29970 difference.


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą

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