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      Pokeris vis labiau populiarėja   08/24/2022

      Turbūt visi esate girdėję apie kortų žaidimą pokerį. Jis darosi vis labiau populiarus visame pasaulyje, o tuo pačiu ir Lietuvoje. Šiame tekste pakalbėsime apie tai, kokios yra šio žaidimo sėkmės priežastys.

      Priimtina įvairioms amžiaus grupėms

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      Pokerio rinkiniai

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SCAM ALERT! Jokueris stole 30k from me.

191 pran. šioje temoje

Sorry, OP but it's very hard to follow you. Can you format it all in a better shape.

Also if you would come out as professional, which you tend to make out of yourself instead of childish, whiny and intimidating OP then more people would support you and would try to help you out.

Just post facts and screenshots with all the info and try to do it in a readable format. Few tips:

• You can switch forum language to english in your profile following this link. Here you can switch it to English.

• You are posting so many imgur links. Instead just create imgur account and make an album with all the the photos inside. One for chat logs, another for transactions and one for rest.

• Some of the imgur links you have posted aren't even working, delete them.

• You have been long enough in this business to know that by contacting pokerstars support they will gladly assist you with all the transaction history. So request it from them and post it here.


Here I made a fast edit of your last post into something readable:


You provide a proof of $7000, where are the rest of $23000? Contact PS please and come to the thread with facts and details not just accusations and we will help you.


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą

Na jei jau prisidarai tiek veiklos kuri saitus rasai forumuose kodel nepasivarginti idet jokiu irodymu?

Jei net ziurint i visus grafikus nerasciau nei vieno didesnio swingo nei 20k ir po ju vos ne visad didesnis up tai nejau

lauki belekiek laiko ir tada teigi savo

jei duodi paskolas gan dideles nejau nesiteiki pasimt kazkokio saugiklio sutarties ar kazko?

taigi idedu visu siu metu transakcijas tarp manes ir jo jei dar atrodytu kad ir juos padirbau galesiu ir ta irodyt


net nezinau ka dar reiktu rodyt duot ar sakyt


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą

Gaila, kad čia nėra visiškai visa history, nes jis tau turėjo pirmas pinigus siųst, bet tikrai nelabai realu, kad tiek MU turėjai.

Ar jūs tik PS viens kitam pinigus pervedinėjot ir ar žaidei ant stake tik ps.com?


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Na jei jau prisidarai tiek veiklos kuri saitus rasai forumuose kodel nepasivarginti idet jokiu irodymu?

Jei net ziurint i visus grafikus nerasciau nei vieno didesnio swingo nei 20k ir po ju vos ne visad didesnis up tai nejau

lauki belekiek laiko ir tada teigi savo

jei duodi paskolas gan dideles nejau nesiteiki pasimt kazkokio saugiklio sutarties ar kazko?

taigi idedu visu siu metu transakcijas tarp manes ir jo jei dar atrodytu kad ir juos padirbau galesiu ir ta irodyt


net nezinau ka dar reiktu rodyt duot ar sakyt

kazkaip vis dar neaisku, tai tu pripazisti kazka blogo padares ar nelabai? :) pats kazkaip irgi pilstai is tuscio i kiaura.

isdestytum savo versija jusu sutarties, su irodymu kaip viskas buvo tartasi, ta prasme nuo pradziu iki galo:

1. kaip, kada ir is kur jus pazistami

2. kas buvo susitarta, kokios salygos

3. kas vyko, ka laimejai ar pralosei, kiek atidavei jam ir kiek gavai ir ar visa tai buvo pagal jusu susitarima.

4. ir del ko cia jis tave vagiu vadina.

negi taip sudetinga viska paaiskint normaliai, o ne kazkokius pervedimus ar kazka kita rodyt. is pliku pervedimu nieks aiskiau nepasidaro manau, nes gal jusu salygos kokios ypatingos buvo.


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą

Reikia pilno audito, autorius rase, kad pinigai ne tik is jo saskaitos ateidavo bet ir is kitu jo horsu.


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą

just my thoughts,

1. Jokueris is in downswing at the games they agreed hell play.

2. demetri wanted him to move down limits. Jokueris didnt want to

3. so when they started counting Make up owed to Demetri, [demetri says 30k jokueris says alot less~5k?]

4. so most important is contract they singed...

how do they count make up in between restake batches?

is Jokueris supposed to pay all make-up, if he wants to end staking deal?


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą

mano supratimu nei viena puse nepateikia visos reikalingos info ir cia pirmoj eilej stakeris turetu pasakyti, is kokiu horsu ir kiek $ ejo stakintam zmogui. nes kas vien is to audito? is kur Audriui tiketi, jog tarkim nick PS ponis is tikro buvo tas horsas? o gal cia buvo kito zmogaus siusti pinigai. kai tokio kiekio transferai, tai neatsiminsi. ir taip su visais room, jei siuntimai buvo daryti i kitus. va tuomet jau ima stakintas zmogus audita ir abi puses lygina, ar atitinka viskas.

neaisku tik kas turetu lyginti, nes vis tiek bus kardinaliu nesutarimu, kaip traktuoti ta info.


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą

Zinau as ta zmogu ir is oro nerays tokias pievas kad skoloj kazkas yra,daug pokerio gerbemu zaideju bendrauja su jo,kad skola yra tai faktas ir nereikia ce kalbeti kad nieko nezinau.


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą


Screen shots of the contract he signed:


There is 4 pictures above ,3 are just showing I backed him on different sites and one picture shows how he would agree to the contract

Screen shots of his cashier with my skype in the back ground confirming our deal:




Screen shots of me sending him money :


This has 6 pictures which is my 60 day history on Pokerstars,I have backed this guy since August 2012 ,so it goes without saying I have sent him a lot more money ,via me and many of my horses

I send out lots of money every day ,my horses will send out money to my other horses as well.He will not post an audit to prove this cause he has been stealing...I will prove it with some screen shots below

This is him asking me in a private message can he post in group chat to get money (I have a MTT group chat room ,the rule is you can post in there for funds, but i must confirm it, for it to go through


This is somone in chat sending him money ,I can post loads of screen shots like this!!!(I did not post the whole screen shot of skype for this picture as all my other horses names will be seen)


Screen shots of him saying he won't send me an audit :


Screen shots of him confirming he is in $15,000 make up


Remember now he is saying he owes me $0 ,you can see in the above picture him write -14,979 that is his loss on Pokerstars.com ,NOT the money that is left in the account which he stole and not the money he owes for the other contracts you saw him sign .(i can send screen shots of me explaining to him how to update e.g when he writes -14,979...so you know that is an update of a loss on a site)

This is him being caught stealing ,there are 5 pictures.Please load up all 5 in order and read them...


What is going on here was him not giving me an audit before ,when he did I saw loads of money had been stolen.He said it was not stolen he was going to pay me back.As you can see from the chat history I gave no permission for him to send and he admits to being in debt and can't pay me back.So how the hell is this not stealing ?lol

So him posting silly shots of me and him sending money back and forth is a joke.You are not seeing all the $1,000s he was sent via group chat.We are not seeing his audits cause he won't give them ,so we don't see all his cashouts/stealing

demetri1978 is online now Report Post

Redagavo: , narys: demetri1978

Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą

And the chat alone of him admitting to stealing from me should be enough for the community to know this guy is a lying/thief/scumbag


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą


Demetri, how exactly do you come up with that 30k figure, because the exact amount of money owed is the thing Jokueris is disputing as I understand.

Redagavo: , narys: butters

Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Demetri, how exactly do you come up with that 30k figure, because the exact amount of money owed is the thing Jokueris is disputing as I understand.

Please read ALL i just posted

Chat where you can see him admit to stealing money ,he owes me loans and stolen money from a long time plus tons of make up

I am showing you someone who admits to stealing (in the screen shot chat logs)why would you believe him and not me ?


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą

Also he is back at the tables now playing on his JOKuERis account with my money ,which i am getting none of !!!???


Pasidalinti pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą


Esme tokia nesu as jau toks nekaltas bet suma kuria piesia autorius yra toli grazu nuo realybes ir daug x.

Kad ta irodyt kad sneka pievas apie skaicius galima auditais ir pan,aisku autorius gali prisigalvot kad buvau ilgiau steike nei istikro buvau na ta sunku butu isaiskint bet reliai kiek beziuretumete i visus grafikus tokios sumos niekada nebuvo ir nebus.

Ir siaip po tokiu pasireiskimu kai sumos is oro didinamos del jo ale "reputacijos" man tampa giliai px ar as scameris ar ne.

ps . parasykit kas is adminu i privata susitarism del audito tada ziuresim ka musu veikejas snekes toliau

I do believe you Demitri that he owes you money, in the post quoted above he admits it himself but he states that the amount is much lower and was artificialy increased as some kind of reputation tax. I will do my best now and translate that quoted post above for you.


"The thing is I am not that innocent but the amount which is stated by the author is far away from reality and X times.

To prove that he is talking rubbish about the numbers we can audit or similar, off course the author can make up that I was in stake for longer than I was but this would be hard to clear, but in essence no matter how much we would be looking into all the charts, stated amount of debt never was and never will be.

And in general after statements like this when amounts are increased from air because of his so called "reputation" I become deeply indifferent whether I am a scammer or not.

p.s. any of admins please write to me in private, we can agree on audit and we'll see what the other side will say further"

Admins, I translated this because this thread is being linked from 2+2 so the translation might be useful to foreign readers. Seeing people on 2+2 having a go at my country as unreliable is prejudiced thinking to say the least.

Redagavo: , narys: butters

Pasidalinti pranešimu

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